If you have experienced an abortion, navigating your way through life right now is like walking through a minefield. It is hard to get away from it especially when it is the major platform of the Democrats whose radically extreme views and continuous lies were in the forefront of the democratic convention and the Republican candidate is waffling on his stance.
For people who have suffered from abortion, sometimes for decades, it can be excruciating to listen to things you may have bought into yourself, like a pregnancy diagnosis can be a threat to future pregnancies, or aborting a baby conceived in rape will somehow ease the pain of the trauma caused when in fact for many, it only caused additional trauma. One correspondence I recently received stated, “talk about a national trigger for all of us post aborts.”
Yes, the current atmosphere is for sure sending many reeling. The silent scream of the heart can be deafening as they hear lies told as truth, things that have altered their lives forever, like “abortion is health care,” or” your body, your choice” as they’ve witnessed the remains of the clearly separate body of their chemically aborted child.
As I listened to the heartbreaking stories of those who gave witness at the Democratic convention, I could not help but wonder, “Where are our voices?” Where is the voice of the 93-year-old woman who was silently suffering for over 60 years because of abortions she had in her 20’s. Where is the voice of the young woman who was told she could have a chemical abortion “in the comfort of her home” only to have the vision of her aborted baby etched in her mind forever leaving her to never again find comfort in her home. Or what about the minor raped or trafficked and brought for abortion by her abuser who is then free to continue to abuse her because of an extreme platform which would not hold him accountable? Where is the voice of the countless numbers of women who live in regret unable to forgive themselves once they came face to face with the reality of what they had done.
I could go on and on…
Sadly, neither side has really given a voice to those of us who have been there, and yet, no one knows the truth of abortion as well as we do. We who live with its consequences on a day-to-day basis, impacting life with depression, anxiety, and regret, as the lie told of “life goes back to normal” plays in your head. Nothing will ever be normal anymore. Not even for the women joyfully celebrating the ability to kill their children.
Here we are on the verge of a presidential election where many will vote, not on the economy which is in shambles, or the threat of war seriously plaguing us, or the huge problem with illegal immigration, all created by this administration, but instead on the ability to kill the unborn child in the womb for all nine months for any reason.
In an air of pride Planned Parenthood boasted of free abortions outside the convention door. According to Dr Colleen McNicholas, Planned Parenthood was doing a total of 25 abortions throughout Monday and Tuesdays convention. Where these people raped? If so, did Planned Parenthood go after their abusers? Did these women get a diagnosis? Chances are they were abortions of “unwanted” babies.
They would have us believe that the passage of Dobbs has limited abortions, but the truth is abortions have increased since Roe was overturned.
One must wonder, how did we get here, how did our hearts become so hardened to the child within our wombs, that we will do anything to allow us to terminate their lives at any time for any reason.
We are rapidly sliding down the slippery slope as predicted before abortions legalization, and we are gaining speed. From only in cases of rape or incest we have progressed to any reason at all. From legal, safe, and rare, we have opened wide the door where over 63 million babies have died in our country. From between a woman and her doctor we now promote self-abortions with no thought of a doctor or medical care if something goes wrong. Places like Planned Parenthood who chant “my body, my choice” have been caught on record selling body parts clearly not belonging to “my body”.
Society turns a blind eye to the late term abortions like those shown to us with “Justice for the Five”, who still await the justice they deserve. Every day, we walk by buildings where babies are being torn apart without giving it a second thought. Every day the silent suffering of abortions other victims is ignored and denied as mothers, fathers and even siblings struggle to heal from the devastation. Abortion has impacted our society in ways we cannot even imagine, or, maybe we would if we’d only stop and consider how bizarre the party attitude of those intent on destroying innocent human life.
Yes, the testimonies at the Democratic convention were heart wrenching, made to pull on our heart strings to get support for abortion for their extreme agenda, but having or not having an abortion is not the real problem. The real problem is the evil that causes someone to abuse or traffic a minor, or the lack of support in society for those facing a diagnosis pregnancy making them feel like their child has no worth, or the lie that killing your unborn child is the answer to your problems. The real problem is telling young women they are incapable of parenting and having a profession or furthering their education, but more than anything the real problem is not the legality abortion but the lack of love which has taken over our society in the continued slaughter of millions of unborn babies.
Yes, abortion is never free. It robs us of dignity, of love and of life. If you looked and listened to the Democratic Convention and its attempt to portray themselves as joyful, cheering and laughing in the face of the callousness of the destruction of innocent life and you’d know it comes at a very huge cost.
Director: Lumina Hope & Healing After abortion
Co-developer: Entering Canaan Ministry