So, I prayed in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in NYC today as I do every first Saturday, and like every other first Saturday, New York City for Abortion Rights was there to drown out our prayers with their loud band of horms and drums and clinic playlist of songs that mock anything opposing abortion.
Today they all wore masks. Funny how they hide behind them while being so loud and rude, but then that is the story of abortion in some ways. Proclaim its good but don't allow it to be seen. How many have fallen into that pit only to find out the truth too late.
I pray for these people everyday. They are lost and it truly is sad. I believe they believe they are helping women and I am sure some of those there have stories of suffering and people they love who have had abortions that they think they are protecting, but the bottom line is no matter how much they dance and sing, the truth of the horror of abortion and the destruction it brings not only to the unborn but to countless others can never be changed. One day they will stop singing and sadly then they will have to face the truth of what they did...I pray they wake up before then.
The good news is there is hope and there is healing from abortion. You don't have to stay in the suffering or dance so much to convince yourself it is ok. We all know it is not ok. Hopefully more and more women will realize they are not alone and help is available....